Paradise Cove Academy, Samoa
Founded: 1994
Shut down: 1998
Allegations: Physical abuse, including “beatings, isolation, food and water deprivation, choke-holds, kicking, punching, bondage, spraying with chemical agents, forced medication, verbal abuse and threats of further physical abuse".
Lawsuits: 2006 Turley Lawsuit (a class action lawsuit filed against all WWASPS programs), 2003 Stanley Goold, III vs Teen Help,
25 Plaintiffs join in lawsuit against WWASPS
Camp in Samoa draws U.S. criticism
"Lost Boy"
Troubled American teenagers in Paradise!
Too-tough love?
An unintended vacation
"Program is last resort for troubled teens"
Rocky Mountain News - "Colorado kids may be held in Samoa"
Pound Pup Legacy - "5 Stranded When Utah Facility Closes"
Rocky Mountain News - "It was supposed to be a slice of heaven"
The Nando Times - "American, Canadian teens removed from Samoan reform camp amid abuse allegations"
Channel News 3 - "School Patrol, teen action program"
Paradise Cove - "American teens out of center for troubled youth"
NBC Miami - "Blind dad testifies against son in murder plot" (Christoperh Sutton hires a hitman to kill his parents after attending Paradise Cove)
2000 (after program) - Corey William Murphy, 17 years old, suicide, had previously attended Paradise Cove and graduated a Level 6
1997 (after program) - Christopher Landre, 16 years old, suicide, had previously attended Paradise Cove
Shut down: 1998
Allegations: Physical abuse, including “beatings, isolation, food and water deprivation, choke-holds, kicking, punching, bondage, spraying with chemical agents, forced medication, verbal abuse and threats of further physical abuse".
Lawsuits: 2006 Turley Lawsuit (a class action lawsuit filed against all WWASPS programs), 2003 Stanley Goold, III vs Teen Help,
25 Plaintiffs join in lawsuit against WWASPS
Camp in Samoa draws U.S. criticism
"Lost Boy"
Troubled American teenagers in Paradise!
Too-tough love?
An unintended vacation
"Program is last resort for troubled teens"
Rocky Mountain News - "Colorado kids may be held in Samoa"
Pound Pup Legacy - "5 Stranded When Utah Facility Closes"
Rocky Mountain News - "It was supposed to be a slice of heaven"
The Nando Times - "American, Canadian teens removed from Samoan reform camp amid abuse allegations"
Channel News 3 - "School Patrol, teen action program"
Paradise Cove - "American teens out of center for troubled youth"
NBC Miami - "Blind dad testifies against son in murder plot" (Christoperh Sutton hires a hitman to kill his parents after attending Paradise Cove)
2000 (after program) - Corey William Murphy, 17 years old, suicide, had previously attended Paradise Cove and graduated a Level 6
1997 (after program) - Christopher Landre, 16 years old, suicide, had previously attended Paradise Cove