What can I do to help?
You can support the U.S. government bill H.R. 3126 - "To require certain standards and enforcement provisions to prevent child abuse and neglect in residential programs, and for other purposes" - by leaving a quick comment here: https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/112/hr3126. Read more about the Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2011.
You can sign a petition that will be sent to the American Government, asking for policy changes and regulation in the behavior modification industry:
You can let other parents know your experience of WWASPS by leaving a review one of these 'boarding schools' directories that recommend places like WWASPS programs for troubled children:
Cross Creek Programs
Diamond Ranch Academy Diamond Ranch Academy Gulf Coast Academy Gulf Coast Academy Gulf Coast Academy
You can tell your story if you, a family member, or friend have experienced WWASPS first-hand. Send your story in to [email protected] with permission to post, and we will post it here on our website for others to read. Telling your story can be the most valuable gift to a family considering a behavior modification program as an option.
You can volunteer to help support the fight for ethical treatment of youth: http://www.cafety.org/volunteer
You can research the behavior modification, "tough love" & "teen help" industry, and find more information on the following websites:
U.S. Government - Residential Program Fact Sheet
U.S. Government - Stop Child Abuse in Teen Residential Programs Act 2011
CAFETY (Community Alliance for the Ethical Treatment of Youth)
ASTART (Alliance for the Safe, Therapeutic use of Residential Treatment)
WWASPS Survivors
SIA (Survivors of Institutionalized Abuse)
Teen Help Industry
No Spank
Teen Liberty
Troubled Teen Industry
Teen Advocates USA
NYRA (National Youth Rights Association)
Heal Online
Minors Should Be Safe